Communication Research Measures III: A Sourcebook” is the third book in a series that deserves to be considered as a cult work on measurement in communication sciences. Obviously, it is a book that deserves its title “A Sourcebook”. The book is an important and useful resource to anyone who works in the field of communication and it offers a descriptive backdrop. The first volume of the series was published in 1994 (Communication Research Measures: A Sourcebook) and edited by Rebecca B. Rubin, Philip Palmgreen and Howard E. Sypher. In this volume measurements in instructional communication, interpersonal communication, mass communication and organizational communication are discussed.
Release date: 2020
Journal: Alinteri Journal of Social Sciences
Volume: 4
No: 1
Pages: 77-79
For citation: Temi̇r, E . (2020). Communication Research Measures III: A Sourcebook, 1st Edition, Routledge . Alınteri Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4 (1) , 77-79.